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Reverse Speech Analysis Of Sarah Palin At Tea Party Rally In Madison Wisconsin April 16, 2011.

 Sarah Palin defended Wisconsin’s governor at a tea party tax day rally telling hundreds of supporters that his union rights law is designed to save public jobs.

She also talks about Barack Obama.

Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on the reversal to hear the audio..

You saw the forces aligned against fiscal reform. You saw the obstruction, and the destruction. You saw these violent rent-a-mobs trash your capitol ,and vandalize business. Madison, you held your ground. Your Governor did the right thing. And you [won! Your beautiful state won]! Now it’s suffering right now.

Let me tell you what isn’t courageous. It’s politicians promising the American voters that, as we drown in 14 trillion dollars of debt, they’re going to cut 100 billion dollars out of this year’s budget. Bet then they cave on that, and they reduce that down to [61 billion dollars after they get] elected. Identifies your army, you know it.

Now there is a lesson here in the beltway politico. Something they need to understand. The lesson comes from here in Madison. So, our lesson is to the GOP establishment first. [And yah I’ll take on the GOP establish]ment. What more can they say about us? So I say poised. And I’ll get behind it.

So to the GOP establishment, if you stand on the platform, if you stand by your pledges, we will stand with you. We will fight with you GOP. [We have your back]. I bury my heel.

[We didn’t elec]t you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic. We didn’t elect you just to stand back, and watch Obama redistribute those deck chairs. How wasn’t this new?

What we need is for you to stand up GOP and fight. [Maybe I should ask some of the Badger women’s hockey] team, those champions… Because the members died. But the Messiah is jaded.

…[maybe I should ask them]… I’m tired of Shaman.

…[if we should] be suggesting to GOP leaders they need to learn how to fight like a girl. They’re stupid.

(Message of the last three reversals combined: Because the members died. But the Messiah is jaded. I’m tired of Shaman. They’re stupid.)

And speaking of President Obama, [I think we ought to pay tribute to him] today on this tax day Tea Party. Face diversity if there’s value in that.

Because [really he’s the ins]piration for why it is that we’re here today. Sleazy healer.

[That’s right the Tea Party movement] wouldn’t exist without Barack Obama. The movement all means that they are sad.

We understood, finally, what it was we were about to lose. We were about to lose the blessings of liberty and prosperity. They caused the working men and women of the country to get up off their sofas, to come down from the deer stand, get out of the duck blind, and hit the streets, come to the [town halls, and] finally the ballot box. Let’s all rise.

No, our President isn’t leading. He’s punting on this debt crisis. The only future that Barack Obama is trying to win is his own re-election. He’s willing to mortgage your children’s future to ensure his own. And that [is not the audacity of] hope. That’s cynicism. But he decides, now he thumbs it.

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