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Seconds After Tornado Hits, Man Emerges From His Severely Damaged Home, And Sees the Destruction Of The Neighborhood. Reverse Speech – “They’re Gone With The Serpent.”

November 17, 2013 – Washington, Illinois, where a man was shooting a video as a tornado hit. As many as 500 homes were damaged, or destroyed, from tornado winds.

This video starts as a man spots the tornado coming straight for his home. He quickly takes refuge with his wife and child in their home. Seconds later his house is severely damaged. Coming out of the house he find his home and his neighbor’s homes, and relays the information to his wife.

Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on the reversal to hear the audio.

(Looking out for the first time from a damaged wall in his home out to his neighborhood.) [Never seen anything like it]. They’re gone with the serpent.

(Second look at the destruction outside of his home.) [Oh my God Josie]! The neighbor’s houses are gone! It looks like a war.

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