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Richard Heene’s “escaped” balloon. Reverse Speech Reveals It Is A Hoax!

Richard Heene built a helium balloon, shaped like a flying saucer. Richard Heene contacted 911 informing the operator that his son Falcon was missing since the balloon had been launched, about 20 minutes prior to the call, and he said his son was inside. His wife, Mayumi Heene told the operator that the child could not be found, and told the operator another son said he saw Falcon climb inside the balloon before it accidentally released from its tether. 

The craft landed softly after being in the air for three hours, but their son was not on board. The Heene’s are suspected of falsely reporting that their son had drifted away in the helium balloon in order to drum up publicity for a proposed reality TV show about their family. Police believe it was a hoax, and are investigating. If determined to be a hoax, criminal charges may be filed.

What Does Reverse Speech Analysis Reveal?

At the time of the 911 call Mayumi Heene’s speech reversals appear to indicate genuine concern for her son’s wellbeing. And she is not indicating she is aware of any potential hoax. By comparison Richard Heene’s reversals in the 911 call, and another interview, show no concern for the son.

He reveals in his first speech reversal to the operator what the truth of his story is. He also seems to be indicating that the incident was planned in hopes for monetary gain. And there is a reversal from him that suggests his wife was not involved.

Update: 11-13-09

Richard Heene pleaded guilty to a felony count of falsely influencing the sheriff who led the rescue effort. Mayumi Heene pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of knowingly filing a false report with emergency services. Prosecutors said she had a lower level of culpability and cooperated with authorities. Mayumi Heene’s defense attorney says many reasons went into her decision to plead guilty to a misdemeanor of false reporting, including the possibility of losing at trial, and being convicted of a felony. As a Japanese citizen she could then face deportation.

A story by ABC News “Balloon Boy Mom: Co-Conspirator or Abused Wife?“may shed light into why she claims to have known the ordeal was a planned hoax she knew about 2 weeks in advance. The interview was with a former business partner of Richard Heene. A couple of quotes from his former partner “She’ll wear orange and go to jail with him.”, and “Whatever he says goes. She’s basically his slave.”

Update: 12-23-09

During the sentencing hearing Richard Heene’s lawyer said that Richard Heene wanted it made clear that he takes full and complete responsibility for the hoax when he claimed his son was on board the balloon. Richard Heene was sentenced to 90 days in jail. Mayumi Heene was sentenced to 20 days in jail. They both received 4 years probation.

Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on theaudio to hear the reversal.

911 Call With First Dispatcher

Richard Heene: My Family and I made an experimental flying saucer. It wasn’t supposed to fly.

Operator: OK.

Richard Heene: We thought we had the thing tethered down.

Operator: OK.

Richard Heene: I think my [six year old boy]. It’s all bullshit.

Operator: What’s wrong?

Richard Heene: He got inside, and it took off.

Mayumi Heene: Hi.

Operator: Hi. What’s going on?

Mayumi Heene: We were doing a experiment over the [flying saucer made, we made here].We need you in the search here.

Operator: How long ago did this happen?)

Mayumi Heene: About twenty minute ago. We can’t find the uh [the six six year old Falcon]. He was annoyed with his dad.

Mayumi Heene: My other son said [Falcon was a] at the bottom of the flying saucer. He said he was in there, but I can’t find him anywhere. And now he’s lost.

911 Call With Second Dispatcher

Operator: You’re at the 5434 Fossil Ridge Drive now?

Mayumi Heene: [Uh, 5434 Ye]s. Say your people will help.

Operator: Is the flying saucer gone as well?

Mayumi Heene: A[bout twenty minutes, I think]. He’s missing in the lift-off.

Operator: Ma’am does it have any kind of a tracking device or anything on it?

Mayumi Heene: No. [No nothing. Uh]. Hope he’s alive.

Operator: OK. Is it electronical?

Mayumi Heene: [You know I need you to talk um] the husband. My husband was in reality. (The family was featured in 2 episodes of the reality TV show Wife Swap.)

(Phone is being transferred to Richard Heene while operator is asking Maymi a question.) Richard Heene: [Yeah here take that]… I get boy hide.

Richard Heene: …[uh Hello]? Whirl the shock.

Operator: OK. Was it running then?

Richard Heene: Well it doesn’t run. It’s filled with helium, and it operates off of a million volts [to uh move left and right, horizontal]. When all is over. I’ll bet I’ll be embarrassed.

Operator: Last seen 20 minutes ago.

Richard Heene: Probably. I’m losing track of [time. Probabl uh, yeah]. Mayi (Mayumi) not involved now.

Richard Heene: I don’t know whether it’s possible if you guys could detect electricity that it emits. But every 5 minutes it comes on for 1 minute, and [it it emits a million] volts on the outer skin. We only simulate it. (It doesn’t emit volts on the outer skin.)

MSNBC – Today Show

Richard Heene:  [After the initial interview] with all the people out in front… Leave the notion he was fine.

Question: Was this a hoax, or publicity stunt?

Richard Heene: Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And [now I’m started to get a little ticked off, becau]se I’m repeatedly getting asked this in the last couple of interviews. What have I to gain out of this. I’m not selling anything. I’m not advertising anything. They devised this, in order get us sign. (He created the scam. Later details came out that he was wanting to get “signed” to do a reality show.)

It was tethered down. To our understanding anyway. [Went to go hit the uh r]elease pin, and it was supposed to levitate it twenty feet off the ground. The electronics were supposed to kick in, but anyway it just kept on going. Ryan said it would get us double.

Question: Did you realize how huge a story this had become?

Richard Heene: …I don’t even have a cable so I had no idea [uh what was going on]. Now it’s over.

Question: When it finally landed and Falcon (his son) was not inside, what went through your mind then?

Richard Heene: I was waiting in my little office here at my home office, [and they’d just given me the uh news] that it landed, and they said he wasn’t in it. Soon I be rich again.

Fox News – Richard Heene – Press Conference

Reporter: Did you want to say anything to the searchers?

Richard Heene: That’s probably the bigger reason why I wanted to come out here. We are feeling lousy for getting upset. (Speech reversals are known to occur in the third person. He may be including His wife’s sentiments as well.) 

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