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Month: March 2011


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Barack Obama Interview With Diane Sawyer; On Muammar Gaddafi And Libya.

Barack Obama interviewed with Diane Sawyer about Muammar Gaddafi, and Libya. President Barack Obama launched an air campaign against Libya on March 19, 2011. What are the insights in his reverse speech?

Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on the reversal to hear the audio.

ABC News 3-29-11

Diane Sawyer: Starting with Libya, as of this moment any sign Gaddafi wants out?

Barack Obama: Well I think what we’re seeing is that the circle around Gaddafi understands that the noose is tightening. That their days are probably numbered, and they’re going to have to think [through what their next step]s are. That scoundrel the worst.

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Timothy Treadwell Loved Grizzly Bears. He Was Found Mauled, And Eaten, By Grizzlies. Reverse Speech Analysis Of His Final Recording.

Timothy Treadwell was a self-taught grizzly bear expert, wildlife preservationist and documentary filmmaker. Treadwell lived unarmed among the bears in Alaska’s Katmai National Park and Reserve for 13 summers and filmed his adventures in the wild during his final five seasons.

Timothy Treadwell first visited Alaska in the summer of 1989, when he camped and viewed grizzly bears at the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary. The experience inspired Treadwell to dedicate himself to the protection of the bears and their habitat. By 1992, he was camping independently in Katmai National Park and Reserve, living among the bears as they converged at key salmon runs. During his first 10 years, Treadwell chronicled his experiences and observations in diaries. In 1997, Treadwell began to use a video camera to capture daily life in Katmai, as never previously done.

In October 2003, Treadwell’s remains, along with those of his girlfriend Amie Huguenard, were discovered near their campsite in Alaska’s Katmai National Park and Reserve. They had been mauled and devoured by a grizzly, the first- known victims of a bear attack in the park.

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