We cannot tell the story about ourselves, without clearly knowing the ending.
There is, of course, the forward speech that everyone is aware. Within the forward speech, there is speech embedded in reverse. Humans and spirits communicate using this bi-level language. People can consciously hear this bi-level communication by playing a recording in reverse.
“Backward State” is the reverse speech in humans and is a person’s spirit communicating. It is a way for it to provide additional facts and information given in the forward speech. And that is how “the spirit talks” in humans.
Journey Into Researching The Afterlife.

In the fall of 2000, my wife and our two children went on our first ghost walk. While waiting for the tour to begin, I walked about the tour operator’s office, looking at the objects on display. One item, in particular, caught my attention. It was a picture taken at night and included a chain-link fence just outside of a cemetery. within the picture was also a wispy fog-like substance. When I inquired about it, the tour operator said it was a picture taken by someone on one of her previous ghost walks. She said, “The wispy fog was spirit energy or a ghost.” She said she had it verified by The International Ghost Hunters Society (IGHS). There began my continuing journey into the mysterious world of spirit.
International Ghost Hunters Society.

I visited IGHS’ website, owned by David and Sharon Oester. They had a lot of pictures of ghosts. I was amazed to discover that if people can spirits/ghosts can be photographed, that means they exist (so much for your parents telling you ghosts aren’t real). What was even more amazing to learn through IGHS is that a spirit can be recorded on audio as well — known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). David Oester discovered that if you reverse an EVP, there can often be heard additional information from the ghost.
Needing validation for myself, my family and I began doing investigations documenting the “between life.” We’ve investigated cemeteries, historical sites, our home, and those of others, getting great results.
A couple of our investigations are documented in Dave and Sharon Oester’s book, “Restless Spirits Across America”.
An Example Of A Ghost Communicating With The Bi-Level Language.
A favorite ghost recording of mine is from a ghost that was in our home. We often would have light bulbs blow out, and the cable TV box would change stations while we were watching TV. My wife would refer to this activity as being from “gremlins.”
One morning, my wife headed out the door to bring the kids to school and head to work. She let me know a light bulb “burned out” in the bathroom on her way out. I immediately grabbed a recorder and began recording. As I was recording and heading towards the bathroom, I purposely kept talking like she was still there. Hoping that if a ghost was there, they might respond. A spirit did respond. By the sound of the voice, we now knew it was a male. He also told us his name. In the forward speech, he said, “Alec, the Gremlin.” The comment is letting us know he is the “gremlin” that burned out the bulb. Reversed, he said, “The mother left.” He was telling me my wife has already left.
Realizing That, Reverse Speech, Can Be Found In Humans Too.

I felt drawn to reading as much as I could on the paranormal subject, needing scientific explanations of it all. I’ve read dozens of books by mediums, scientist’s studies on mediums, psychiatrists using hypnotherapy with past life regressions, and many other books from the “New Age” section of the book stores. I’ve attended workshops and seminars and have searched the internet for hours on end.
In the summer of 2003, I was on the IGHS website looking for articles about conducting ghost investigations. There was a link to “reverse speech.” I assumed it was more information about reversing audio on ghosts. The link went to ReverseSpeech.com, by David J. Oates, and the page it went to was “About Reverse Speech.” After spending three years researching the afterlife and listening for reversals from spirits, I was blown away to learn when humans speak in the forward, and there’s also more to say in reverse.
Before I could finish reading the second paragraph explaining Reverse Speech, I had to stop and re-listen to a recording from a cemetery investigation. My wife, son, and I had conducted just days before. There was something about the recording that caught my attention, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. In the recording, my son read the name off of a headstone, commenting that it was a very interesting name. Three spirits responded, and one male said, “Thank you.” When I reversed my son talking, he said, “The man with dark hair is, is the name of.” He was aware of those in spirit around him! So much so, he described what the male spirit looked like. And the reversal indicates the name of the person on the headstone was the male spirit’s name that said: “Thank You.”
That was the first recording I heard, and found, of what I now know to be reverse speech in humans. I’ve been hooked on the topic ever since.
We Communicate With Spirits Using Reverse Speech.

I talked on the telephone one morning in the spring of 2005, telling of a paranormal event that occurred earlier that morning in our house. Knowing that those in spirit will sometimes make comments when we talk, I had a recorder going as I spoke on the phone. In the recording, a female spirit can be heard saying, “It’s Linda.” When I reversed what I had said just before that, I asked, “Who’s spirit talking?” My reversal is asking a spirit that is talking to identify themselves. And the response was “It’s Linda”! If I hadn’t looked for reversals on myself, it would seem that a spirit was randomly announcing their name. Perhaps I subconsciously, or my spirit, could hear them talking? I discovered that spirits could understand our reverse speech with that recording, and we communicate with them in reverse speech.
We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Human Experience

Through my research to that point, I learned that spirits communicate with reverse speech. Using reverse speech as an investigative tool, I discovered that we are aware of those in spirit around us. And with such detail, we can even describe how they appear. I also discovered that we communicate with those in spirit through our reverse speech, and they understand our speech reversals.
The evidence of the existence of spirits, and humans, communicating together in a hidden language kept mounting;
- Spirits were once part of a human body, and the soul continues as an eternal being.
- Spirits converse using reverse speech.
- Humans and spirits converse with each other using reverse speech.
- Humans converse with humans using reverse speech.
It was becoming clear to me that the bi-level language using reverse speech originates in spirit. Not the physical mind.
A Spirit Continues Its Journey To – “Life Between Lives”

Dr. Michael Newton was a hypnotherapist. Dr. Newton found that when people are in a deep state of hypnosis, they can experience a past life and experience what he referred to as “Life Between Lives.” I would refer to it as the spirit world. Working with clients, they were able to tell him the goings in the spirit world.
Through his clients, he was able to confirm a spirit is eternal. A soul melds with each new body and brain before birth. Although one with the body, the soul still considers itself a separate entity. More on that later.
I had read all of his books. My wife, and I, wanted to experience a “Life Between Lives” session. In early 2008 we found a hypnotherapist trained by him.
A Breakdown For How the Session Works.
The way a session progresses is, you’re in a state of hypnosis. You are then guided, by the therapist, to an earlier time in your current life, all the way passed being in the womb of your present life. As you go deeper into hypnosis, the conscious mind is suppressed for one’s soul to now communicate with the therapist. The therapist asks for a past life that you have previously experienced. From there, details about that life are explored and shared with the therapist. The therapist then brings you to the death scene. Once the body has died, the next step is to move on to the world of spirit, or in other words, life between lives.
In my session, I have just been regressed from a past life as a boy that had a job as a “newsy”. As a side note, my first job in this life was selling newspapers. The boy was killed while selling newspapers by a car that jumped the curb, pinning me/him between the car and the newsstand. After my spirit has left the body, I’m moved forward by the hypnotherapist to the world of spirit. Upon my arrival, I’m first greeted by a male looking figure, which is later revealed as my guide.
Shawn: I’m going to say he’s to my left, and we’re side by side.
Jonathan: Side by side. Do you feel if you are moving with him?
Shawn: [I feel that we’re moving together] Here lies the womb of my life path.
“Here lies the womb of my life path” is an astounding reversal that I can’t emphasize enough! It’s an amazing amount of information in so few words. The reversal shows congruency in I have described to the therapist my spirit had entered the spirit world. It indicates there is another place that our spirit goes to. “Here lies” indicates a location. I refer to it as the spirit world. Some would call it heaven! “Womb,” by definition, is a place where something is conceived or generated. As a metaphor, it means to nurture, grow. The Metaphors in Reverse Speech dictionary indicates to reference “Garden.” And “Garden” references a refuge, a place to grow, re-energizing. And “my” is my spirit referencing itself. “Lifepath,” “path” by definition, is a route or track between one place and another, and combined with “life” would be a path through life, as determined by the decisions one makes.
When going into a Life Between Lives session, one of the goals is to meet with your council. You’re asked by the therapist, ahead of time, to write down questions that they can ask you, to help you to get answers from your council. The council would be a group of souls acting as an advisory board for your spirit. It was determined, between the therapist and I, that my council was not going to talk with me during the session. Essentially indicating any questions I had, the answers were before me to figure out myself. The therapist begins asking my spirit directly what I thought the answers might be. One of the questions I had was, “Why am I so fascinated by Reverse Speech?”.
Here is the exchange:
Therapist: What is the relevance of reverse speech in the life of Shawn?
Shawn: The first thing I got, and the only thing, was communication.
Therapist: Communication
Shawn: Yeah.
Therapist: Communication from what source to what source? From what to what? From Shawn to self?
Shawn: No. I say it’s, there may be something else.
Therapist: Communication, and what way? Trust what’s coming through you.
Shawn: Like I already know it, but I’m taking it, and [it’s not coming out further yet, but it’s], I know that that’s the spirit talking. Sir, will you verify my answer?
Remember, this deep state of hypnosis is one’s spirit communicating in forward speech. I have just told the therapist that reverse speech is the spirit talking. The reversal is asking the therapist to verify the claim. The therapist begins going on to the next question, but he “verifies my answer” in his reversal.
Therapist: There were a couple of messa[ges with Reverse Speech that came] through with Shawn… Backward state, serving references.
The therapist’s reversal answers my reversal question to verify my claim that reverse speech is the spirit communicating! The reversal occurs where he is saying “messages with reverse speech.” And the response is not only verifying that a person’s spirit communicates through forward speech in reverse, but his response is also adding additional clarification. “Backward State,” or reverse speech, is a way to provide additional facts or information!
Reversals in humans sometimes appear to be in the third person. According to Dr. Newton’s research, this would make sense because a spirit considers itself a separate entity. Depending on what is going on in a conversation in the forward speech: “I” could be one’s spirit referencing itself. And “he/she” could be the spirit referencing the physical person. And “we” could be both combined.
In Conclusion.

Through my research and personal experiences, the conclusion is that “Backward State” or reverse speech in humans, is our spirit communicating.
Our spirit is of the highest source. The information that appears in a reversal always offers the truth. If we listen to our soul, we can gain insights and wisdom from many lives and is a journey that will expand the life experiences of both beyond our wildest dreams.
“Without the truth from Reverse Speech, the planet has no future. It opens that door for all of us.”
Jeff Rense, Rense.com