Based upon the following cases, it would appear that reverse speech analysis indicates UFO sightings, alien abductions, and perhaps even hybrids, are a real phenomenon.
Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on the reversal to hear the audio.
UFO Sighting
Discovery Space Shuttle Observed By UFO – Shuttle Mission STS-29.

Houston, [uh, this is Discovery we still have a alien] spacecraft under the door. Alien appears to be watching us here.
Alien Body
Walter Haut – Roswell Eyewitness.

Walter Haut was the public information officer at the 509th Bomb Group based in Roswell, New Mexico during 1947. Early on July 8, 1947 he was ordered by the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard, to draft a press release to the public, announcing that the United States Army Air Forces had recovered a crashed “flying disc” from a nearby ranch. The press release garnered widespread national and even international media attention. The U.S. Army Air Force retracted the claim later the same day, saying instead that a weather balloon had been recovered. The series of events eventually became known as the Roswell UFO incident. (source)
I definitely remember there was one body. It was a relatively [small body]. Comparable to about oh maybe an eleven-year-old, ten, eleven-year-old child. It was pretty well beat up. He had bones. (His reversal is congruent, and it adds information to what he saw. Could mean the alien’s body had broken bones protruding that were visible. )
Alien Abductions

Betty and Barney Hill Under Hypnosis 1964 – New Hampshire September 19th, 1961.
Betty and Barney Hill were an American couple who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of the state of New Hampshire from September 19 to 20, 1961. It was the first widely publicized report of alien abduction in the United States. (source)
Barney Hill: I was being signaled to stop, and I thought [wonder if there is an accident]. They disguise their signal.
Betty Hill: He tells me to take off my dress. And the examiner unzips my dress. I lie down [on the table] on my back. For the astronaut. (In an interview with she makes a statement that she never called them aliens. She also said “I call them what they are. Astronauts”.)
Betty Hill: [Then they roll me over on my ba]ck. Then the examiner has long needle in his hand. It’s bigger than any needle I’ve ever seen. I asked him what he is going to do with it. I asked the leader why did stick the needle in my navel, and he said it was a pregnancy test. And I said that was no pregnancy test here. God dammit, have brought in more women. (As she turned onto her back she saw there were now other women in the room. This reversal would suggest that multiple abductions occur at the same time. Barney and Betty have only mentioned in interviews they were the only ones abducted. the reversal indicates otherwise.)
Travis Walton November 5, 1975 Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest.
When they came around and came towards me I started striking out at them with this thing. They all stopped and they just stared at me there for an instant before they turned and left. And it was right then that moment in which they were all three just [looking at me in a way that], it just, it was actually the focal the point of the fears that I had in the whole aftermath of the experience was those eyes looking in at me. They’re there when I am unequal. (The reversal occurs when he is describing the aliens looking at him. If the eyes are windows to the soul, perhaps his spirit had connected with the spirit(s) of the alien(s). The “I” would normally mean Walton’s spirit referencing itself. Perhaps the “unequal” reference is realizing the alien spirit is superior, or more advanced, than a human spirit.(?) I don’t know. Would probably need more reversals on abductees from that alien species.)
Chris Bledsoe – January 8, 2007 Fayetteville NC.
(Pointing out the location where he saw the UFOs) Looking this way. You see the trees in front? [See where it drops off, that] little hut down there? They’re fast as ghosts.
(After being alerted by his dogs he went to investigate a portion of his property. He found himself within 3-4 feet of an alien he describes, among other things, as being the size of a small child.) It didn’t move. It didn’t blink. It had red eyes, but it was glowing. [I mean look at the chill bump]s. See that? You can’t fake that, guys. I wish, to become human. (This is an intriguing reversal. Is he not a human, but perhaps an alien or hybrid? Where the reversal occurs he is pointing out his “chill bumps”, and goes on to say “You can’t fake that guys”. Is he trying to convince the people around him that he has “chill bumps” because of the scare factor of seeing an alien, or is he trying to convince them that humans can do that so of course he’s a human?)
[For a second I was frigh]tened. And I stood here and said OK. I’m a big guy. If you want me you got me. You got me cornered. I’ve nowhere to go. I’ll fly the castle. (“Fly” and “Castle” are metaphors. FLY: to be connected and flowing with the winds of unconsciousness; to live by faith and experience the true wonders of life. CASTLE: a place of safety; a position of strength and power; refuge; a fortress within; a goal or life’s quest. He is telling the truth. He realized he was easily able to be overpowered by the aliens. Therefore he had not option to fight, and fully allowed to happen what may.)
Alien Hybrids

Jesse Long – Multiple UFO Abductions Since He Was 5 Years Old.
Narrator: According to Jesse, his abductors inserted a small item, an alien implant into his left shin.
Jesse Long: [And it was in my body for thirty four years]. Soon you’ll fear at the fear of them listening.
Was taken aboard a craft. Placed on a table. I was presented with a baby. Was told [this is your chil]d. I asked, “who’s is it”? (Have aliens created hybrids? Clearly the baby was already on the ship. Consider the reversal again from Chris Bledsoe “I Wish, to become human”.)
[They had small jaws. The lower part] of their face was small. Then the upper part that would correspond with our cranium was pretty large. They are holding this large long smile.
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[…] Hear more examples of reverse speech from alien abductees & eyewitnesses – UFO Sightings, Alien Abductions, And Alien Hybrids. A Real Phenomenon, Or Fantasy? […]