Haleigh Cummings 5 years old from Satsuma, Florida disappeared from her home in the middle of the night. Seventeen year old Misty Croslin discovered that Haleigh was not in her bed around 3 a.m. on Feb. 10, 2009. Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings, who married Misty Croslin on March 12, 2009, was at work at the time. When he arrived home, Misty met him at the front door, and told him that she had just woken up to find the back door open and Haleigh missing from her bed. The home had no signs of forced entry, but a rear door may have been left unlocked. The door was standing open several inches, and the screen door was propped open with a cinder block. Misty last saw Haleigh when she went to bed in the same room at about 10 p.m.
What Does Reverse Speech Analysis Reveal?
I have more than 100 examples of reverse speech from about a dozen people surrounding this case, which includes law enforcement officials.
The speech reversals from Misty Croslin-Cummings, and Ronald Cummings, indicate that they are being truthful in not having anything personally to do with her disappearance. As well as not knowing who abducted Haleigh Cummings.
In an interview, Misty talks of Joe Overstreet, her cousin, molesting her and a 5 year old cousin. A reversal from her confirms he did this. That makes him a pedophile. She also has a reversal that calls him an “evil fucker”.
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