Haleigh Cummings 5 years old from Satsuma, Florida disappeared from her home in the middle of the night. Seventeen year old Misty Croslin discovered that Haleigh was not in her bed around 3 a.m. on Feb. 10, 2009. Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings, who married Misty Croslin on March 12, 2009, was at work at the time. When he arrived home, Misty met him at the front door, and told him that she had just woken up to find the back door open and Haleigh missing from her bed. The home had no signs of forced entry, but a rear door may have been left unlocked. The door was standing open several inches, and the screen door was propped open with a cinder block. Misty last saw Haleigh when she went to bed in the same room at about 10 p.m.
What Does Reverse Speech Analysis Reveal?
I have more than 100 examples of reverse speech from about a dozen people surrounding this case, which includes law enforcement officials.
The speech reversals from Misty Croslin-Cummings, and Ronald Cummings, indicate that they are being truthful in not having anything personally to do with her disappearance. As well as not knowing who abducted Haleigh Cummings.
In an interview, Misty talks of Joe Overstreet, her cousin, molesting her and a 5 year old cousin. A reversal from her confirms he did this. That makes him a pedophile. She also has a reversal that calls him an “evil fucker”.
Currently the only people that do not appear to be congruent are Misty’s brother, Hank “Tommy” Croslin Jr, and her cousin Joe Overstreet. There is one example of a speech reversal from Tommy that references a window. If he is involved in Haleigh’s disappearance, could he have used a window to gain access to the home? Joe has two reversals that reference lies, and also a reference to an ambush.
Update 8-18-09:
Ronald Cummings cleared by police. Misty Croslin-Cummings still may hold answers according to police.
Click on the reversal to hear the audio.
911 Call 2-10-09
Misty Cummings: Hi, I just woke up and my backdoor was all open, and I can’t find my daughter. God damn it, they went through that door.
Operator: What’s the numerical?
Misty Cummings: ? What’s that? It’s on Green Lane. (Misty lives on Green Lane!)
Operator: Ok. What was she last seen wearing?
Misty Cummings: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping. This is true. (This reversal occurs when she says “we were sleeping”. )
Operator: Was the back door locked, do you know?)
Misty Cummings: Yes. The back door always stays locked. I’ll bet you our daughter’s dead. (Misty is not Haleigh’s biological mother, but she had indicated in to the operator that it was her daughter.)
Ronald Cummings: Ma’am I need somebody to be here now. Where would he be? I would be running.
If I find whoever has my daughter before y’all do I’m killin’ em… My use of the law. That guy who will now fuck her. (Fuck – used here as a metaphor may mean; treat unfairly, or victimize.)
Got better people to talk to than fucking mother fucker that ain’t coming. Must be able to tell me something.
MSNBC – Today Show 2-12-09
Ronald Cummings: I wannna say thanks to all the people helping me. I have a big loss in this.
Fox News – On The Record 2-13-09
Misty Cummings: (Question: Did they use the word “pass”, or did they say “There was no sign of deception”?) Said that I passed, and they really didn’t say much to me. It’s a mess never going get myself out of this. (Crosstalk Greta reversal: Wish it will work out.)
CBS – Early Show 2-17-09
Ronald Cummings: Please. Bring Haleigh home. Want Haleigh here.
Misty Cummings:
(Question: How far away from you was she sleeping Misty?) Like, four feet away. I already told you.
(Question: And how is it she could have disappeared without you waking up?) …I mean I was a little exhausted that morn, that night… And I don’t know about the source remove her. (Reversal means she doesn’t know who did it.)
CNN – Nancy Grace 2-21-09
Ronald Cummings: (Nancy Grace: Please tell us what happened when you got home that night. I believe it was around three AM.) Uh actually it was about 3:25 – 3:27 I was in shock.
Fox News – Geraldo At Large 2-21-09
Ronald Cummings:
(Question: When you told Marcus and Chad that you were 75% sure (who took Haleigh) and you had your gun ready, and you were going to go get them, didn’t you say that? Isn’t that a fact Ron?) No. It is not a fact. I can’t answer you.
Ronald Cummings Statement From The office Of His Attorney Jerry Snider
Jerry Snider: Hello I’m Jerry Snider. I’m an attorney for Ronald Cummings. As most of you know on February 9, 2009, Haleigh Cummings went missing from her home in Satsuma, Florida. Outlook would seem is not good.
Ronald Cummings: I’d like to thank all of the volunteers, the law enforcement, anybody that looked for my child or following tips to clues… The law against him. (Reverse speech is known to occur in the third person.)
…but she’s still out there somewhere and the one’s that just think they might not... I admit that there’s no one there who wants apologies. (There had been speculations that he was involved with seedy characters. Could this reversal mean he has told law enforcement that he is not aware of anyone wanting retribution?)
…be nothing might be the one that one that brings her home and we still need her to come home. They won’t hurt her, and nobody found a body.
…Thanks for everything you’ve done… I can’t throw a fit.
And Haleigh if you’re watching, baby I love you and we’re still looking for you. There’s no idea if it’s over.
First Coast News 8-27-09 John Gastar Hypnotist Session with Misty Cummings
Update: Added 9-2-09
Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs.
John Gastar: Tell me about the day in your own words.
Misty Cummings:. ..so Granny, in Welaka, had some clothes that she wanted to wear, so we drove all the way over [to Welaka to get the clothes she wanted to wear]. I was not sure who’s in the house. (The reversal is in response to his request.)
…the A/C guy was there. Then I walked out of the house and I called Ronald and I said “well, the A/C guy is here” and he said “Yeah”, and I gave the phone to Ronald to talk [to the A/C guy and my brother was there]… Crazy looking guy. He sees us. (“A/C guy” perhaps?)
…and we just watched the kids play in the yard, [and Haleigh was doing great]… Guy is still there.
First Coast News 8-28-09 TJ Ward -Layered Voice Analysis with Misty Cummings
TJ Ward: How long have you known Haleigh?
Misty Cummings: For almost a year.
TJ Ward: [OK. And, on the], she went missing on? Do you know what happened?
TJ Ward: What time did you go to bed?
Misty Cummings: About ten o’clock. Haleigh went to bed, I laid her down at eight o’clock. [That’s her bedtime. The kid’s bedtime is eight o’clock]. I’ll say it. Must not be thinking I’m innocent.
TJ Ward: What happened after that?
Misty Cummings: [Went to sleep]! You’re scum.
TJ Ward: Do you know of any person that would bother Haleigh?
Misty Cummings: See I really didn’t know a lot of people. I mean I have suspicious, yeah. [I have people that I think about all the] time. Thought I would get the adult feedback.
(With the next three reversals there is an exchange where TJ Ward is using a tactic used in polygraph tests, and apparently while using the Layered Voice Analysis 6.50, where the examiner proclaims that they are seeing something that indicates an untruth, whereby the guilty party believes that with all the gadgetry they must be actually seeing the lie and begin confessing to the crime. In this case TJ Ward implies twice he is seeing something indicating she is not being truthful. Notice in the first reversal she is telling him that she doesn’t know anything, she’s not involved and what he is seeing is not true. With the second two reversals, even though she is a kid she is not afraid of him, and he is making a charge where he is trying to stray from the truth.)
TJ Ward: ...There’s things that you’re not telling me. OK. And I want you to tell me about it. OK. I can see it. There’s things going with you about Haleigh gone missing that you know about that you’re not telling anybody.
Misty Cummings: [There’s nothing that I’m not telling nobody]. I’ve told everybody everything that I know. I don’t know what you’re trying to get out of me… I don’t know. I’m not in, it’s untrue. (The reversal indicates she doesn’t know what happened, and she’s not involved. She is also stating that his statement is untrue that there are things she’s not telling him.)
Misty Cummings: I’m seventeen years old what do you think? [Like come on]… I’m not scared.
...how [much can a seventeen year old take]? You’re going to misdirection.
TJ Ward: …Let’s go back and talk about Tommy and Joe. (Hank “Tommy” Croslin Jr. , brother of Misty Croslin, and Joe Overstreet is Misty’s cousin.)
Misty Cummings: OK. Joe is psycho. He has problems really bad problems he [molested me when I was a little girl too]. He’s molested my little cousin at five years old. Was awful, so I don’t need to tell it. (This is a congruent reversal. Joe did molest her, and the five year old cousin.)
…cause I didn’t have nothin’ to do with her. I love [that little girl more than anything]. Would never hurt her. If I knew who hurt her I would tell. Admit it. It don’t look good.
TJ Ward: ...[When I just asked you that], it came up and said you’re not sure. I decide your hell. (Looks like the voice analysis is not accurate, and he is the one who decides what the results indicate.)
TJ Ward: Do you have another brother named Joe?
Misty Cummings: Nope that’s my cousin.
TJ Ward: That’s your cousin?
Misty Cummings: Yup.
TJ Ward: Tell me about him.
Misty Cummings: He’s crazy. He’s got mental problems. I’m telling you he’s got mental problems, and he’s got them bad. When he was down here, he was only down here [for a couple of wee]ks… Evil fucker.
…and he come to visit everybody. He come to visit my family. And you know we didn’t think of anything, I know I would be safe because I’m around everybody. If I was by myself with him, [then I wouldn’t be around him]. I wouldn’t go. Admit.
TJ Ward: What do think has happened to Haleigh?
Misty Cummings: [I don’t know what’s happened to her I mean]… Being branded by someone older.
…I don’t think she’s dead. I don’t think she’s dead at all. [Everybody keeps saying she] could be. I don’t think Haleigh’s dead. I shouldn’t speak of it.
TJ Ward: Tell me about the van.
Misty Cummings: …my younger brother wakes up probably about maybe 12:30-1:00 in the morning. And he didn’t see Joe on his bed where he usually sleeps at. So he didn’t think anything, you know he thought maybe he was in the back bedroom using the phone like he always is talking on the phone. [So he went back to sleep. The next morning the van’s moved in a different spot]. The keys are in a different spot… I’ve suffered in the dudes name and now it’s going to feel so scandalous.
…Joe usually sleeps in his boxers. He slept in his pants and socks and a shirt. [Then there’s the big scratch on the side of the] van… The mark shows he did it.
TJ Ward: Do you think [Haleigh got put into that van]? I don’t know if I believe you.
Misty Cummings: [I had, I’m mean just because of] the scratch. I mean, why would there be any scratch? Why would there be, you know, why would the van be moved? You look at decision. You’re weren’t there. (Conversations are known to take place in reverse speech. Misty Cummings speech reversal is in response to TJ Ward’s reversal.)
TJ Ward: …Did somebody tell you not to say something about taking?
Misty Cummings: No. Nobody told me nothin’ not to say about Haleigh or nothing. [I’ve never been once told] not to tell where Haleigh is… No scum to prevent that.
…I wouldn’t [care if someone told me not to tell I would still tell]. My thoughts that would like this animal to answer. (With this, and the previous reversal, indicate that if she knew who abducted Haleigh, she would definitely make known who it was.)
I went to um, [the Sheriff’s office the next day to go talk to him]. Well Joe and my mom, they come and pick me up from the Sheriff’s office… More stress, making it end up with frustration.
…and Joe was [scared to even come down there to get his stuff. As soon as immediately that this happened he wan]ted to leave State. He come and got him a ride out as soon as it happened. Knowing the bastard believed innocent, upset that I’m not getting brake.
First Coast News 8-28-09 Interview with TJ Ward
The following examples of reverse speech are from an interview is with TJ Ward who states his title as a private investigator with Investigative Consultants International and President and CEO of the Company. And also a member of Layered Voice Analysis. He said he used a microphone and the Layered Voice Analysis 6.50 software in his interview with Misty Cummings. He states that the software will not only will it tell him if the subject is telling the truth. It will tell him if they are hiding something. It will tell him what they are not talking about from the brain waves out of the voice box and out of the voice, and it can detect this with any language.
Within 23-25 minutes he says he was able to determine that Misty Cummings has either indirect or direct knowledge as to the whereabouts of Haleigh Cummings. She is not telling the truth and she has some interest in the disappearance.
He says one could beat any machine, but he says the difference is the Layered Voice Analysis test is 95% accurate as opposed to the polygraph which is about 50% accurate. At the same time he compares the results of the two polygraph tests, which Misty Cummings failed, as running on the same lines of her not being truthful.
He says there are five different levels that he can tell what’s going on. He begins to list the ways such as (slightly paraphrasing his words) pulse rate, stress, sections if you’re hiding something, thinking level, how much energy is being used during stress to talk about what you’re talking about. If that doesn’t sound very clear, don’t worry, he assures the reporters that it is “Very effective. Probably one of the most effective tools I’ve ever seen in the course of using in an investigation.”
Reporter: What were the results of Misty’s voice test?
TJ Ward: She had a lot of false statements and inaccuracies for what she was talked about as to the events from February the ninth and [into February the tenth 2009] in regards to be the custodian over Haleigh Marie Cummings while she was at home. I’m the lie that planted her with this. (He’s lying about the test results!)
Reporter: Now this says here her attorney called you Monday?
TJ Ward: We received a telephone call to our off[ice wanting to know if I was a lice]nsed investigator in Florida. I was not going to Florida to conduct an investigation. I was going on the request of Misty Croslin to conduct a Layered Voice Analysis 6.50 test on her which we did. At her request. She always wafflin’ an answer.
Reporter: Do you think she would volunteering for it, is it because she not a very smart person and did that, or do you think she is going for the attention, or what?
TJ Ward: I think she is living a very high stress level right now, and I don’t know [why she is not telling the truth or who she’s covering for], but in my beliefs and the many tests I’ve run with Layered Voice Analysis 6.50 that she knows something about the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. I often were not too sure where her voice start to show. (A clear indication the the Layered Voice Analysis program he uses does not work.)
CNN Nancy Grace Show – Interview with Dr. Lillian Glass
Update: Added 12-27-09
Dr. Lillian Glass is introduced in the interview as a PhD. Psychologist, and body language expert. She is asked to comment on TJ Ward’s voice stress analysis results.
She adds; “I am also a voice analyst. I do forensic voice analysis. So you can do this just by looking at Misty. You don’t necessarily need the machine, and all the equipment. …If you listen to her voice pattern. If you listen to her speech. She closes off. She doesn’t speak loud enough; she dies off at the end. But look at her speech “uh um, like um” that’s always a sign of deception when it’s done consistently. Not always, people say “like, um” all the time, but when it’s in context.”
She continues, “[Then look at her body language]. Looking away, blinking, she has a lot of signs of deception.” Show girl in a predicament.
I have every reason to believe Dr. Jillian Glass is good at what she does. Body language and speech patterns can be subjective, being left to interpretation by one person. Making media appearances in high profile cases may leave her susceptible to making her analysis fit to the popular opinion in order to keep her in the media, which in turn helps to promote her business as an expert. By comparison Reverse Speech analysis is objective, and where the truth can be found.
I believe the operative word in her reversal is “predicament”. The definition of the word “predicament” has absolutely nothing to do with the word “deception”. In the interview Dr. Jillian Glass appears to be portraying Misty as being deceptive, or lying. It would seem by her own words in the speech reversal the truth of the matter is she believes that Misty’s actions show that she is in a “predicament”, and therefore the reality is Misty’s actions have nothing to do with deception.
Based upon the reverse speech analysis of both TJ Ward and Dr. Jillian Glass, neither one appears to be indicating that Misty is lying or being deceptive.
First Coast News 8-28-09
(Haleigh’s maternal grandmother Marie Graffis responds to Misty Cumming not passing the polygraph and Layered Voice Analysis test.) …I don’t have no reason to [fear that this test is going to be deceptive]. I done a voice analysis myself. I passed it. That bastard even likes to test at the grief. (Referring to TJ Ward)
WSKY 9-1-09 – Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch
Tim Miller: …But you know I’m willing to pu[t this out. I mean honesty is honesty. I m]ean I’ve done things in my life that I’ve that that I’ve admitted… My father he threatened me the lawsuit. (It appears there will be a story in his book about an issue he has had with his father that was serious enough that his father threatened to sue him.)
…and they’re actually writing a book about me. And [and all my dirty s]tuff’s in there along with my good stuff. I mean we all got skeletons. She earned the money. (Is this reversal in reference to something about an issue with his father, or is “she” the person writing the book, and he feels she has earned her money? The reversal occurs where he is referencing his “dirty stuff”. I had emailed him to validate, and respond to these two speech reversals. To date he has not responded. Without his response it is difficult to tell the meaning of this reversal. )
… but with that said. When Mark and I had Ronald in a office. Just the three of us… They are in a crime now.
…and Ronald Cummings said “The bitch had something to do with my daughter’s disappearance”. And he said that she never made the bed that night. She’d been awake all night. She never went to sleep. They did not have any laundry detergent. [So she never washed] clothes. The only clothes in the dryer was dirty clothes… So we run this source.. (“Run”, and “Source” are metaphors. Essentially he’s stating that the information he claims Ronald gave him is what he is focused on. So he is focused on Misty being involved in the abduction. RUN: to be using a behavioral pattern; to activate a metaphor. SOURCE ; a “source” of personal energies; male/female energies; a means of attaining personal power and strength; to gain strength from another, and in the process, both are strengthened; Man is Source for the Woman’s force and vice versa; any action or object that gives one power.)
WSKY 8-27-09 TJ Hart Interview with Captain Dominic Piscitello of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
Update: Added 9-8-09
TJ Hart: You said “Alive”. Anything we need to be paying attention to on that word?
Dominic Piscitello: Uh, no. I mean its it you can’t take anything out of it other than [its not meant to be taking anything of it. That w]e, We believe that she, you know, she’s the last person to see her alive. We’re the lie. I give people same answer.
TJ Hart: ...They also claim that law enforcement says that’s true, you found the bed made. Is that in fact true or are they espousing falsehoods on the website?
Dominic Piscitello: Well I’m not going to get into what our investigative details are at [the moment, but they]… We had led them on. (The police are putting out false information.)
…[explained to us that Ronald Cummings told them]… My boss knew what going on with that. So announced it.
…that they believed, that, she, he believed that she hadn’t been to [bed and in fact the bed had]n’t been made… They had the person in the bed. (Confirmation Misty had been in bed at the time of the abduction.)
…um [so that’s they’ve]… We establish.
…[they explained that to us] when we were talking to ’em from Texas… First, denounce it.
…[Ah from the Equusearch people. So] that was the comment that they explained to us that Ronald told them. Must not be a truth. Look at an affair.
TJ Hart: Ok Ronald said the bed was made, or wasn’t made?
Dominic Piscitello: [Was made]. Can’t tell.
…and Misty continues to be inconsistent about what she says. And, [and sketchy about those], you know those, that time frame… Saw the mistakes in it.
…That’s what was out in that news release here a couple of weeks ago. And then apparently Mr. Miller, and whoever he has with him, embedded with him had put out a press release [yesterday to state that fact and to state the fact] that she failed that test l guess like 99%. Guys who get into cock fight, that’s who is the adversaries.
…we welcome Mr. Miller and his [search people to search if they] feel if there is an area that we needed to go back and do again… Can’t discuss this. Locate person.
Anybody that has information out there, you know they need to get it to us to and our team so we can [act on it. We act on every piece that comes in, and we follow everything] good or bad or indifferent… That’s a very odd feeling that isn’t likely to prevent a guy who would like that.
Hopefully Misty will uh, hopefully she’ll see the light, and decide its time to uh, [delve a little deeper into what happened that night] for us. You don’t know the power when there are people of blood.
Fox News – Geraldo Rivera – Audio Montage (unknown date)
Update: Added 9-28-09
Misty Cummings: I woke up and she was [gone. And the back door was wide open]. What will I do I’m in shock.
[The last time I seen her is when I put her to bed]. That little girl is going to be so assaulted.
She was in her bed [in front of the TV and me and Junior was in our, my bed]. Said I’m not so innocent. He may release the lover.
Ronald Cummings: Somebody came in my back door. Broke in the back door, and [stoled my child while I was at work]. Girl was well watched out in the woods.
Reporter: Do you have any reason to believe someone took your daughter? Anybody that you might suspect?
Ronald Cummings: [No. But I know somebody took her I know for a fact]. Asshole’s phone number was there. I’m not sure not the one.
[She didn’t wander o]ff. I know this.
Update: Added 10-7-09
The Gainsville Sun Interview With Lt. Johnny Greenwood 10-2-09
Johnny Greenwood: The problem with a lot of tips is the majority of the tips are people’s opinions. And trying to give us advice on how to conduct the investigation. You know, it’s not really [physical tips, stuff that we can follow up on]. All will laugh at you if that state exists.
Reporter: Going to manpower, and kind of what the agency is expending on this. How many people are permanently assigned?
Johnny Greenwood: Well what we have is, we have a major crimes unit [that’s assigned to working], you know violent crimes… The girl was my assistant.
…[And we’ve actually got one inves]tigator, Peggy Cowen (sp), Investigator Cowen (sp). She is the case agent on this. Sit down, right this Saturday.
And we also have homicide investigator Detective John Merchant. He’s not the case agent but he’s working hand in [hand. ‘Cause really right] now… I believe she’s dead.
…we’re working this as a missing person. [Because we haven’t received any relevant information]… John’s not involved in it. He’s so crazy. (He previously stated John Merchant is not the case agent. The first part of the reversal confirms this.)
…[to this day that she’s decea]sed. He shouldn’t just shoot the answers.
If there’s people that need to be interview in a group or if there is a search that doesn’t require us hauling in officers those six individuals can break at any minute, and go out and [find somebody if] we need to for an interview. Get out the staff.
Reporter: Any of what was collected which, I don’t think you guys have gone into there’s been nothing, no smoking gun or anything that you can…?)
Johnny Greenwood: I [really can’t release any information]… I’m sharing fantasy with you.
…that’s, you know, about the evidence. [You know, what we have, and] what physical evidence we do have. The value we’re weighing.
Reporter: The major activity that seems to be connected to the case seems to have been either the arrest of people on unrelated matters, but people who are either family members, or friends of Misty Croslin-Cummings or Ronald Cummings, or Ronald Cummings himself. Can you characterize what’s going on there?
Johnny Greenwood: Well these arrests [are by no means], you know, intentionally related to this Haleigh Cummings case. See who help the girl. (Is the “girl” Misty?Does he believe Misty abducted Haleigh?)
These individuals that are being arrested are being arrested for other things that their doing out there in the community. But with all of us tak[ing a stance that if we have an opportunity to] speaking to somebody that might know something in this case we’re going to speak with them. They raise our value for this answer. (The police believe the arrests will get someone talking as to what happened to Haleigh.)
Reporter: You released the location of the pond, but you’re not going into the location of the site that you checked on that. Is there a difference in that letter, is that why you’re treating that a little different?
Johnny Greenwood: [Well we haven’t, we haven’t] released any letters. We haven’t released any documents… I hear werewolf. (“Werewolf” is a metaphor in reverse speech. The use of werewolf here would mean – a distorted perception of reality. In the next reversal he confirms it is a lie that police have released any documents.)
…[at all in this case um]… I say it’s a lie.
The only release that I know was made was the one letter at the Saint Augustine Record which really didn’t deal with the [pond, it dealt with a possible burial site]. As we’re able to talk, will right the error.
And [we haven’t released that], because it is part of this criminal investigation. I see no value. (The question of whether or not police have been releasing documents seems to be a hot button, and he wants to be certain that it is known they have not. But in the end the document in question doesn’t seem to contain any information they can use.)
WJXT – Hank Croslin Jr. – 911 Call after fight with Ronald
Update: Added 10-11-09
Operator: 911 where is your emergency?
Hank Croslin: Yeah, I’m at the Waleka Kangaroo. I just went over to call me to come to her house, [and I go over to her house, Misty Croslin], and her husband Ronald Cummings attacked me. Nobody can take the side, who’s the one that done it. (Could it have been his plan to do something that would make Ronald hit him? Annette Sykes, Ronald’s grandmother, said Misty called her brother to tell him not to show up at the house, but he did anyway. And with his father, and mother. Or is he referencing about his involvement with Haleigh?)
Reporter: It was an attack {Fight between Ronald and Hank Jr.} that left her father in tears
Hank Croslin Sr.: Probably [this last eight months has been the worst]… So worried that there’s going be assassin. (Ronald said in the initial 911 call that if he finds whoever abducted Haleigh before police do he will kill them. He had a speech reversal, and in part of it he said “My use of the law”. Is Hank Croslin Sr. concerned one of them might kill each other?)
… of my life ever. [We, we’ve lost a lot]. You know, and… I will salt the wound. (What could he mean by “we’ve lost a lot”? Does the reversal indicate he puts unnecessary sadness upon himself, or does his use of the word “will” give it an action of future tense? If it is something he is going to do, then who is it that has been affected in this case that has lost the most and had the most unhappiness or misfortune that he might want to plan on making worse for them, and for what reason? Remember, the interview was about the fight between his son and Ronald. Also remember Misty told Hank Jr. not to show up at the house. He did show up, and with Hank Sr.)
I’m [scared I’m going to lose my daughter. Yeah]. I find out who the mugger is. (A “mugger” would be someone who assaults another with the intent to rob them of their possessions. Is it therefore much of a stretch to believe this reversal is a reference to having knowledge about the person who is the kidnapper of Haleigh?
Because of editing, it isn’t known with certainty to the viewers what the content of the conversation was with the reporter that he is responding to. The viewers are led to believe though he is commenting about the fight between his son and Ronald. If so, why does he throw out a seemingly random concern about losing his daughter? Lose her to what? The previous three reversals are part of a continuous thought as he is speaking in forward speech. If some reasonable deductions were to be used, who then may be the “mugger” in question? If the first reversal is a reference to him believing Ronald will kill whoever kidnapped his daughter, then Ronald should be eliminated as the possibility. He says he has a concern about “losing” Misty, but with nearly three dozen examples of Misty’s reverse speech there is not one indication that she is involved in Haleigh’s kidnapping, nor who she knows with certainty is involved. Also in a reversal from Misty’s interview with The Early Show on October 9, 2009 she is indicating that Ronald has told her that he believes her. Therefore there is no indication that Ronald would have any reason to kill her. Should Hank Sr. have any rational concerns about “losing” Misty? If not. Who then is left in the equation that Hank Sr. is concerned might get killed that would be the “mugger”?)
Hank Croslin Jr.: I mean there’s something going on. [And Ronald’s been acting weird, you know, a lot lately]. Reveal I’m the one. Dreams can absolve you. (In his forward speech he seems to be alluding that Ronald is acting suspiciously as if he is involved with the abduction. He talks about Ronald, but the reversal is about himself. Could this reversal mean he is the one involved, but if he promotes the fantasy Ronald is the one involved, he then believes this will free him from blame of the consequences of his actions?)
[That’s crazy as hell man]. I went over there to pick her up like she asked me to, and when I got there her husband when off the wall. My lies easier accept. (Does this reversal indicate he thinks no matter what lies he tells, they will be believed over whatever Ronald and Misty have to say?)
WJXT – Hank Croslin Jr.
Reporter: The story begins with this Satsuma mailbox here at the home of Hank Croslin Jr. He tells us over the weekend his family made a disturbing discovery.
Hank Croslin Jr.: My mom and, one of them went out there to checked [the mailbox, and there was a dang rat in it.] With his head cut off. The mid area was only skull bone. (His use of the word “only” in his reversal does not seem indicate that he is disturbed by a decapitated rat being in his mailbox. He alleges Ronald Cummings is responsible. If someone were going to send some type of message, wouldn’t they us a recently killed rat? If someone didn’t want their mailbox to be bloodied, is it possible they might use a decomposed rat and say, in this case, Ronald put it there to raise questions about Ronald?)
Reporter: And according to this latest report filed with the Sheriff’s office, Croslin claims Ronald made several comments that he would get back at him. And Hank stated that he knew Ronald owned several guns and was afraid Ronald was going to show up and cause problems.
Hank Croslin Jr.: It kind of s[cares me ’cause I’ve always heard it was like a death threat]. Upset because the letter show the injury.
You know, a threat [against someone’s life]. There’s no mistake.
Reporter: We asked Croslin whether the community should even be focused on this incident, if they should instead be focused on finding Haleigh.
Hank Croslin Jr.: They really should be focu[sed on Haleigh, but I want Ronald to]… The man already billing us. (Whenever someone uses the word “but” it negates anything else that was previously said. By his forward speech alone he is indicating he wants the focus to be on Ronald paying for the injuries he received in his fight with Ronald. In this reversal, could the “man” that is billing him be his attorney that he is using to sue Ronald for his injuries?)
…[pay for what he’s done]. Then I be bullshit. (Does this mean if the focus of the community were on finding Haleigh instead, he would be upset?)
WOFL – Hank Croslin Sr. Responds to Divorce of Misty and Ronald
Hank Croslin Sr: He threatened to kill somebody that had somthin’ to do with his daughter. I mean you heard it on the TV. Yeah. I’m concerned. He’s just got, tries to be that tough man, got that tough man [mortalit]y or whatever. The lies bloom.
First Coast News – Hank Croslin Jr. 8-28-09
Hank Croslin Jr: [I ain’t did nothin’, but hel]p my sister you know. I have the thunder near. (“Thunder” based upon the dictionary meaning, used here may mean the intense strongly emotional accusations of being accused of a crime are upon him.)
[Man I’ll d, I’ll do a lie detector]… Just about lose my spine.
…[test. I’d do whatever they want me] to do. I went around a window. Outside. (The previous two reversals are part of a continuing thought. It has been reported in the media that he told police Ronald asked him to check on Misty because she was not answering her phone. He claims he went there, knocked on the door, and declared no one was home. Doesn’t his statement to police put him at the scene of the crime? If Ronald asked him to be at the house, why would he have a reversal revealing nearly losing his nerve about something as he talks about taking a lie detector test, and what could it mean he almost lost his nerve about doing? In the second reversal could “around” mean by action through a roundabout course he entered the home through a window from the outside vs. going through a door?)
CBS – The Early Show – Misty Cummings 10-9-09
Reporter: What about his {Ronald} claims that you’re telling different stories. Do you think he thinks you’re guilty now of something?
Misty Cummings: He hasn’t really said much about it. He believes me. He doesn’t think [I had anything to do with Haleigh gone missing]. He said not believe that we been making it up. (This reversal is a striking difference from a reversal from her about what Ronald had been saying that was from early on in the investigation where in it she said “Said I’m not so innocent…” Now that time has passed Ronald has been able to assess the situation. Wouldn’t it make sense he would suspect she may have been involved in the beginning when little was known, and now have enough information to believe her?)
Update: Added 1-12-10
Fox News – Sheriff Jeff Hardy – February 12, 2009 – Two days after Haleigh went missing
Reporter: Do you believe the story that is being told by Haleigh’s dad, and his girlfriend?
Jeff Hardy: Jane, we to [were uh we’ve got an exten] xtensive search going on. That’s, in an ideal world.
To include ground sear[ch air search and uh search by water]. Get all officers on this girl search.
And we’re looking [at all aspects of the investi]gation. It’s sad, but these are steps I ordered.
Reporter: Anybody ruled out as a suspect at this point?
Jeff Hardy: [No we haven’t rules any]body out. We’re still in the extensive process of interviewing family members, and tips as they come in. We’re actively pursuing all leads. In it all, we value one.
Jailhouse Call Between Hank & Tommy Croslin Feb. 2010 First Released Tapes
Update: Added 2-24-10
Tommy Croslin: But dude I don’t think I’m going to prison man. I think they’re just trying to scare us. There’s people with way worse charges than me that don’t go to prison. With backgrounds, you know. I ain’t got shit on my record. I got some misdemeanors. Them other charges are being turned into misdemeanors.
Hank Croslin: [Yeah I hope so bro. I’m praying for it]. Admit the horrible story. (This reversal is telling Tommy to admit to a horrible story. During the interview they had already been openly talking about Tommy’s case in regards to being caught selling prescription drugs. If they’re already openly talking about the drug bust, then what remains as the “horrible story” to be told, Haleigh?)
Jailhouse Call Between Hank & Tommy Croslin. Feb. 2010 Second Released Tapes.
Tommy Croslin: Tell her I said I love her when you talk to her. A response to no one will let us out.
Hank Croslin: [Well you’re just laying around watching TV huh]? Well maybe she’s got worrying to do.
Tommy Croslin: [I got some letters from some uh] gospel missions out of Tennessee today. I’m just going to showdown this saga.
Hank Croslin: [Yeah, that’s what your mom was saying]. Just know I’m at your side.
Hank Croslin: [So when did the cops come in to talk to you again]? May be possible talk with the law.
Tommy Croslin: [They ain’t been over to talk to] me. I ain’t talking to them. I got nothing to say to them, because they are a bunch of damn liars. This all they want in the end.
(In the first jailhouse conversation Hank had told Tommy in a reversal to “admit the horrible story”. The second jailhouse conversation is indicating Tommy is going to talk, and lay all the cards on the table. Law enforcement would seem to have well documented their case by video in the prescription drug case. Previous reversals have indicated Tommy may be involved with Haleigh’s disappearance, and Hank is aware somehow that Tommy is involved. Whereby by deduction it would seem Tommy is going to talk about Haleigh. Hank has just said he wants Tommy to know he will be there for him. Hank is suggesting Tommy talks with law enforcement, and it would seem Tommy is agreeing that this is what it’s going to take to end the “saga”.)
Hank Croslin: Here lately it seems Misty’s been getting you in trouble, and trouble, and trouble.
Tommy Croslin: I know.
Hank Croslin: [She don’t mean to she justs], I don’t know what the hell to think about her anymore. I love her so much, but she got me worried. She sees me emotional.
Tommy Croslin: I know, me to man. But I’m going to be alright. [I know what the worst thing could happ]en, but sure it ain’t going to happen. I’m not sure what’s going on.
Hank Croslin: Three years.
Tommy Croslin: Yup.
Hank Croslin: Yeah. That’s only two and a half. [Two years and five months or somethin’]. Want to so bad believe.
Update: Added 5-6-10
First Coast News – Joe Overstreet (Cousin of Misty & Tommy) – April 14, 2010
Joe Overstreet: Went to the hospital to see my uncle, and got Misty’s mom. Went to the jail cause she was being questioned. We left from the jail. She couldn’t go down back on that road. [So me and her stayed up by that store], and put flyers up. Road setup, that led to a ambush. (An “ambush” is an attack from a concealed position. The “road” is the road Haleigh lived on. This reversal seems to indicate he is talking about Haleigh’s abduction.)
Girl that I road with, they took her car. [Took evidence and brung it back]. I’m not going to say do a good. (Could there be something of value that police have taken has evidence?)
ABC News – Investigator – April 15, 2010
[We do have a search going on at this time], and we’re going to continue this investigation until we can bring it to a logical conclusion. I said that I not trust about who do it. (It would appear that, at the time of this interview, investigators still do not know who is involved.)
Fox News Orlando – Joe Overstreet – April 18, 2010
Joe Overstreet: Disgusted. I don’t know. [I can’t say nothin’ about it]. A lie will form a circle. (“Circle” is a metaphor. CIRCLE; to be in a loop; to be stuck in one place; going around in circles. In this case it could mean that if he says something, it will be a lie, and he’ll have to defend it’s authenticity.)
[I want to say somethin’, but I don’t know what to say]. His sister will not admit my assist in the lie. (Joe says “his” sister, which appears to indicate he is referencing Tommy, and talking about Misty. Previous reversals from Tommy appear to indicate he is involved. It would seem to me that this reversal indicates Joe is saying Misty is not conceding Joe’s lie as being valid. I have found no reversals in which Misty indicates she is involved.)
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