Hear Anna’s reverse speech as she sings “I Wish”.
Anna was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two. Autism is epidemic. Many families are trying to recover their children from the effects of Autism. Thanks to bio-medical, and behavioral interventions, Anna has improved tremendously. Recovery is possible. Anna is proof.
Brackets [] indicate where the reversals occur. Click on the link to hear the audio.
When I wish it feels right. The whole world’s shiny, and bright. I know wishing makes everything all right. [Where there’s a wish, there’s a way]. So, I’ll keep wishing each day. It wasn’t she wasn’t there.
I wish all my troubles away. [Doesn’t anybody see? I wish for blue skies every day.] I wish there were others like me. Can’t hear us God. So don’t be erasing. I’ll be there to answer.
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