This video has several million views. Are people interested in the message in the forward speech, or by a message in her reverse speech? The message in Jessica's reverse speech appears to be she has fun when she sings, and she wants everyone to join her and be happy too.
Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. Click on the reversal to hear the mp3.
I can [be a sarc].
(Notice in the video she is talking in a sing-song way. She appears to be saying “sarc” in the audio.
Sarc: one having flesh or tissue. We are spirits having a body experience. It would appear that this could be a deliberate
choice of wording by her inner spirit where she may be wanting to express, based upon the message in her overall reversals, how
she can be a happy “human”.)
[Now my whole house] is great. I can do anything good.
I like my pa[jamas.
I like my stuff]. I like my room.
I can do anything good, better [than anyone].
true message: I'll sing. So I will have fun. All together, come on. Don't be upset.