Theresa Parker from
On February 4, 2008 Sam Parker was arrested and charged with murder in connection with Theresa’s death.
As of that time she had not been found.
It is clear from Sam Parker's speech reversals that he has been deceptive with law enforcement, and has had a direct connection in the disappearance of Theresa Parker. He has revealed motive and how he intended to kill her. Although he has revealed she is in a shallow grave, it is still unclear her exact whereabouts, and if someone else may be an accomplice.
Click on the reversals to hear the mp3 file. Brackets indicate where the reversal occurs.
My Fox
[Reporter: “How are you handling all this?]
by minute, not day by day...
I never knew that a person could be just instantly...[accused of something]
[They were ready to lynch me in this town]…and that, that's just beyond me I mean it is
I am lying (gibberish) done it (Is
he saying he killed her?)
[Reporter: You feel like their ready to lynch you?]
Yeah, the sheriff told me that I couldn't come home
am one person that I hid. (This is congruent with the next statement in the interview, not listed here. He said he was told to hide
in the local hospital under an assumed name, and says he did.)
I have never in my life ever thought you know that...[things would
go so one sided.]
[Reporter: It all happened so quickly, they served several search warrants here.]
searched this place five times.
Sheriff distressed him. (Reversals are known to occur in the third person.)
But uh yah they served
five search warrants.
Sheriff's smart. Felt sure I had him.
Then all this other stuff.
She doesn't want him. (Reversals are known
to occur in the third person.)
I can have contact with two people.
You get knocked by the cops here.
[They absolutely take
away all your income]…everything that you've got, you know.
I've got movie gallery, you know Sam's wholesale
card they've got...
I can't move off this house unless it's just...[you know, to where I go.]
the cellar. So I have sinned.
(Cellar is metaphor - like a "cell" repression that has become a prison; trapped in our own thoughts,
by our own emotions, but easier to get out of. Of course if there is a cellar in their house it would obviously be worth checking)
have never in my life seen the] …other side of what I did.
I am sorry to say that I pinned a badge on my chest.
(He has been suspended from the police force. Explosives found in his work locker.)
Beneath that I guess if you’re smart.
marriage and our relations were...
She's in shallow grave. (Indicating he killed her?)
...talked about. I guess.
…and when she went to work…[oh, me and Sam had a fight, you know.]
That’s coming back to haunt you now.] (Talking about their relationship with co-workers)
Yes, very much so, and they jumped on it.
[Reporter: You guys are going through a divorce?]
Yes we had it all finalized
Well that's why I'm
upset. (Upset about the divorce)
Yah. It was all a done deal
Paid for and everything I mean this...
[Like I said, I think I know where (she is)]…I'll just let it go at that.
There's no guilt in that. (Appears
to be referencing the previous reversal)
[Reporter: After two months a lot of people are starting to worry that she may be dead]
not even going to go there. I'm not even going to even think that. No.
I have got movie. There is no other movie on. ("movie" is metaphor,
non attachment to event. Perhaps he sees her death in his mind and that’s all he sees, but he has detached himself from it)
certain things that are put up…
I loved her, then see nothing goes through. (He has made sure the divorce won’t go through?)
put her in certain places and certain times and all this stuff and everything like that and I'm not just going to go there.
I'm offering
facts, the one is Matt (Mark) Grissim (Grisham). (Is this an accomplice?)
[I wish she had taken care of a few things] …she should
have before she left.
UCTV-3 Night Talk with Judy O'Neal 12-10-07
I was told I was a person
of interest but uh... (Asked why he thinks he’s a person of interest.)
I've upset the new sheriff, but I've lost a lot.
I want
to start by saying; I'm not going to say anything that is going to compromise their investigation.
Anything but yes or no, I'm not
going to answer.
...and I'm going to dispel some rumors that you know you said that people had...
They help you with the scene. (Does
he think the rumors are helping him?)
Like I said I'm not going to do anything to compromise their work. Because those men work
hard, they work, very, very hard and...
I met girl. (gibberish) the girl (gibberish) was out in the park that afternoon. ( He could
be thinking of a conversation he had with someone else. Also telling them he didn’t want to compromise the investigation.)
had to go under a microscope...
Works with Albert Norton. Who is there. (Possibly referencing the girl in the previous reversal.)
know it like I said to just dispel some rumors that uh people have and uh....
I was married 13 years and we lived
together prior to that 3 years so...
They believe we injuring his girl. (Reverse speech occurs in the third person.)
Yeah, that's
a very stressful job.
Marital search, Sheriff's done it.
...and that's what I did. I moved back in with my dad...
I moved out.
(gibberish) That upset her.
Yeah. We were in total agreement on everything...
I nearly lost it. Blew me away.
... and it
come down to my, when my father died...
Died right off, almost. (His father.)
... or he was becoming very ill, and we know
that death, you know going to happen.
I was upset, but they knew I'm going to wait. (Wait to sign the divorce papers.)
the battery was charging on the back porch and stuff like that... (His alibi for being at Theresa’s house.)
I've had to choke. Had
me in the lawsuit. (The reason he was there, was to kill her. He apparently may have done this by choking her. I assume he is
referencing the divorce as a lawsuit.)
I didn't check to see if she was sleeping in the bedroom...
Her space, freshened it up. (It
would appear that he cleaned up her house after he likely killed her.)
The last time that I saw her, she was taking a load up
to her apartment up there. (Asked when he last saw Theresa.)
Blood on head. Surely show us homicide on that. (Thinking of the last time he truly saw her.)
Update: Ben Chaffin testified Sam Parker told him he had shot Theresa in the head.
When she left
out that evening
Yeah, the one that she had taken on a trip. (Asked about a travel bag that is supposed
to be missing.)
At first no one would get this. Then I relate. (He may not have told a story of the missing bag at first.)
taking my own life no. Because I told the investigator at GBI, I told him, I said you know, he asked me if they still had to worry
about that and I said no. (He had previously threatened to commit suicide. He is asked if he would consider suicide again.)
Some of
us die. The reason we accept it. (While talking about the day of the suicide attempt there were no speech reversals. I would expect
the subject of suicide to be highly emotional, and possibly a place where speech reversals might be found. Could the suicide
attempt have been a ruse for being despondent, and therefore his mental instability would disqualify him from taking a polygraph test?)
watch them follow some leads that you know I knew that was probably bad information that they'd received.
uh they said he had lied during the investigation. (Talking about Ben Chaffin.)
Now that he is in the shit. Messed up.
knew how to set the computer up, and establish MSN account and all that stuff.
I really wanted to sign in, her name.
uh, Ben knew all the you know...
but uh he he uh.
We were both there, at the computer,
at the house... (He and Ben Chaffin)
Update: Testimony in court indicated Sam Parker was jealous of Theresa, and had accused his wife of having affairs with several men who worked at the 911 center. The defense tried to imply that Theresa had several affairs with co-workers, but all the witnesses denied she was that kind of woman. This reversal appears to indicate he was convinced once again she was having an affair. Ben Chaffin said he got a call from Parker in March of 2007 asking him to check Theresa's computer to see who she had been talking to. The day Theresa disappeared Sam Parker called Ms. Brown who was Theresa’s friend and fellow co-worker. He was asking her for help in trying to reach a certain phone number that he had found.
...and I was present,
and I showed them where I paid for it at Sam's Wholesale Club
They are powerful with shotgun. (“gun” is a metaphor in reverse speech:
to persuade with great force.)
I could do more by answering questions there at the house. Than I could, you know physically
getting out and tromping through the woods. (Asked why he didn’t participate in searches.)
Know they're still watching it quietly.
I was told, and I reported it, but evidently, you know they just shrugged it off.
I negotiate the aligning. (He tried to tell his story so it would
make sense.)
You still got a cloud hanging over you and it's not gone yet, you know, you still got a shadow cast on you
and so... (He is presenting a reason why he may not be employable.)
I'm not saying that I should have lost you, honey. And I'm actually
running out. ("Run" is a metaphor in reverse speech: to be using a behavior pattern. I'm not sure how it applies here. In
this reversal, he appears to be thinking out loud about Theresa. It almost seems as though the forward and backward sentences go together.)
Sam Parker
Theresa Parker